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May 2019 

Sub UFO, enhanced with Photos.png

Recent headlines about the US Navy and UFOs hint that the agency’s association with the phenomena may be more than previously understood. But a deeper investigation of the agency’s involvement finds compelling evidence that the US Navy’s interest is more far-ranging than even these recent reports suggest.


It has now been discovered that the US Navy: monitors UFO websites; analyzes the phenomena in concert with the US Air Force; has not reported UFO incursions under the water and from space; and was even one of the responsible agencies in the study of the extraterrestrial debris from a UFO found fallen at Roswell in 1947.


Seventy-two percent of the Earth is covered by water. And the US Navy protects, defends and surveils that water. They do this below the water, on its surface, in the airspace above it, and even in space orbit. Their web over the water is difficult to fully comprehend. It operates both openly and covertly. It works within and outside US territorial waters. It is an intricate network of sensors and communications systems, radar and weaponry. It patrols with vast fleets of acknowledged and unacknowledged underwater vehicles, carriers, ships, drones, aircraft and spacecraft. If its intelligence investigations or military missions relate to shore, their power even extends to the land. Only now are we beginning to comprehend its very major involvement in investigating the UFO phenomenon. This has likely been going on for a very long time.


In fact, it now appears likely that the agency may well hold the answer to the greatest mystery in history, and they are not sharing it.


In the past six weeks, the Navy and UFOs have figured prominently in major news outlets worldwide. These three stories were reported in succession during this period:


  1. The DoD has confirmed that they were indeed responsible for the official release of the two now-famous Navy F-18 FLIR UFO videos (dubbed the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO), filmed by USS Nimitz Navy fighter pilots:

  2. The Navy has made a decision to draft formal guidelines for its pilots to document encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP):

  3. The service, however, does not expect to make such UFO/UAP reports available to the general public:


The Navy's policy of denying public release of UFO reports by its pilots was made public by Joe Gradisher, Navy Spokesperson and reported on May 1. And it is an understatement. The US Navy in fact has far more on UFOs than it admits, and holds information on UFOs that it has never released. But in piecing together what I have documented in the past with what I am learning now, a picture of the agency ‘in the know’ is becoming clearer. And here is what I know:



A little-known US Navy agency employing some of the nation’s top information technology experts has been selectively monitoring websites that carry articles that relate to UFO crashes, Roswell, and related events. For at least five years this small Navy organization has found, visited and reviewed certain blogs, writers and forums that discuss such subjects.


More on this incredible operation is found here:

U.S. Navy Caught Monitoring UFO Websites

Navy Computer (was originally for the ar
Navy Cap, 400x283, enhanced with Photos.

One of the most acclaimed Naval scientists in U.S. military history has stated unequivocally that the Roswell crash of 1947 was not of a balloon, nor was it a hoax. Based on evidence he had seen in an official capacity, the Commander was instead convinced that the crash represents an event with deep implications for all of mankind. Universally acknowledged as the "grandfather" of satellite technology – and a close associate of Dr. Werner von Braun – Commander George W. Hoover has revealed that among other agencies, the US Navy – and indeed he himself – analyzed the strange debris from the crash.


This remarkable story is told in its entirety here:


Renowned U.S. Navy Commander Reveals Stunning Roswell Crash Secret

And the US Naval Labs are said to have created Nitinol. Nitinol is a “memory metal” whose properties sound similar to some of the debris found at Roswell. When crushed, it would "remember itself" and return to its original shape. A series of articles by this author demonstrate that the Navy did in fact emulate the alloy found at the UFO crash using titanium and nickel. Additionally, world-famous psychic Uri Geller was tested by the Navy at the Naval Surface Weapons Center in October 1973 to try to use mental force to bend Nitinol wire placed in a vacuum.




The following link is to a formerly Top Secret document, Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the United States, Study #203 ('Analysis'), issued 10 December 1948 by the USAF Directorate of Intelligence (DI) and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). Though first published in 1985 in The MUFON UFO Journal, it is today little-discussed, and any discussion there has been of it relates to how to interpret the report’s commentary and observations of the phenomena. It is hardly a smoking gun document on the face of it. There is no mention of crashed saucers (nor should there be in such a report) and the sense is one of inconclusiveness.


What is lost in the discussion is this: This document conclusively proves that the US Air Force, from the first year of its inception, had worked to analyze UFOs sightings and photographs in tandem with the US Navy.


Though this Air Intelligence Report is now declassified, handwritten notes in this document read:


“All extra copies of this document were ordered to be destroyed.” An appended document dated September 25th, 1950 directs “the destruction of Air Intelligence Report 100-203-79.” That reference number is the extended title for Study #203. Thankfully at least one draft survived that destruction directive.


Is this the only instance of Air Force / Navy cooperation on the UFO matter? Likely not. There are likely other joint Air Force / US Navy UFO studies and documents like this one.


And how did this inter-agency relationship on the UFO matter begin? Who initiated this mutually beneficial effort at UFO study? Under whose authority was this approved?


Just how long did this communication and cooperation extend? It is likely that it has extended to the present day, and this author intends to recover other, more modern-day examples of such documents.


Such inter-agency activity can and has served as an effective military subterfuge technique. It can help to obfuscate just who is exactly behind a variety of military activities and studies. It can help to deliberately confuse who is really pulling the strings and exactly who is giving investigative directives. The Air Force takes the front-face on the UFO matter while the US Navy has worked behind the scenes, back room. And it makes sense. The Navy’s reach and expanse to observe such phenomena is greater than that of its rival service the Air Force.



The Naval Space Command, with an acknowledged establishment in 1983, is now part of the Naval Network Warfare Command. Its stated mission is to provide “space support” to launch satellites and track satellites in orbit through its Naval Satellite Operations Center. Their further mission is to “monitor over-the-horizon threats” from sea and space by all means possible.

From US Navy in Space (Abellla, Hollinger, 1984) we learn “Since the beginning of the Space Age, the Navy has been interested in space and involved in space-related activities. Its contributions in space science and technology have been significant. Driven by a realization that space assets are exceptionally well-matched to its global mission, the Navy has become a major user of space. Primary areas of current activity include command, control, and communication

Navy Space, enhanced with Photos.png

and navigation and collection of environmental information. The Navy's operational use of space systems, the nature of the evolving Soviet threat (both air and space) directed in a large measure at U. S. naval targets, and the recent advances made in space technology, all argue for an increased level of Navy involvement in future Department of Defense space activities to secure Navy interests.”


“Crazy talk” from folks like Michael Salla of the ExoPolitics Institute, and by people like supposed “Solar Warden” claimant Corey Goode (who speaks of fleets of secret Navy spaceships armed with nukes and laser cannons) is just that – crazy talk.


The real mystery is not with these fantasies, it is this:


UFO footage and reports from NASA and astronauts is now abundant, but not so from the other space agency, the Naval Space Command. UFO film footage near NASA launches, from their Space Shuttle, and from their other space vantage points has made its way into the public view. But 35 years after the establishment of the Naval Space Command, we have not one photo, one film clip, not even one report from them! The answer to why this is so, is likely found in the May 1 statement this year by US Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher that such UFO reports will not be made public. And most certainly not those of objects from space whose origin is unknown!


A neighbor of mine who is a retired Naval Officer who held the rank of Lieutenant Commander and has a mild interest in UFOs (and who prefers to remain anonymous) told me, “Remember JANAP, the regulation that had Army, Air Force and Navy personnel restricted in reporting UFO sightings that may affect National Security? The Navy takes that as serious as cancer. Especially threats from space.”


Saucer water, 600x338, enhanced with Pho

We dwell on the UFOs that we see. The US Navy goes beyond that. They investigate objects that are far harder to see and far less frequently seen. These are USOs –unidentified submersible objects – which enter and submerse, traverse and leave the depths of our seas. Sightings, film and analysis of such objects must surely be under the purview of the US Navy. It Is not the Air Force or the Army that is surveilling the sea’s depths looking for incursions.

An extraordinary but obscure website that has operated for years details sightings of UFOs near, on or under the water. The site is and was created by one Carl

Feindt. Carl passed away last month, I have learned. Fortunately, before that, I was able to communicate with him by email. I do hope that his children maintain this valuable net resource. This ‘labor of love’ site is a collected list of water-related cases. This includes a detailing of 258 cases reported under Project Blue Book by Naval personnel including Chief Officers, pilots and radar operators:


While UFOs which enter or exit bodies of water must also navigate beneath it, none of the Blue Book reports by naval personnel are by those in submarines who may have seen unidentified submersing objects. Carl has cataloged dozens of unidentified, moving, underwater moving lights and engineered objects. And he made a very keen, simple observation: “The many credible reports over decades of Sky-to-Sea unidentified objects by civilians and others does not apparently extend to the US Navy reporting such objects, through Blue Book filings or in press reports. Why?”



This author is currently strategizing a series of Freedom of Information Act requests to compel the US Navy to release photos, footage, sightings reports and other documentation related to UFOs. Somehow we only associate the Navy with bell-bottoms and boats. But it is so very much more, so very all-encompassing, that we may never fully appreciate its depth of activity related to those amazing machines from elsewhere that enter the Navy’s world of water.

Bell bottom trousers, enhanced with Phot

By Anthony Bragalia

(Copyright 2024)


May Be Reproduced With Permission and Attribution

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